Beginning in 2013, Dr. Carol Hoekstra ND has been dedicated to helping her community to overcome imbalances supporting healthy lifestyles. Our therapies don’t just focus on your symptoms - they concentrate on the root of the problem.
Our focus on your wellness is through our five main services including a tailored wellness program, in-person office visits, hands-on therapies, walk-in self-serve therapies and over-the-counter vitamins, and therapeutic massages.
Hope Wellness Center is dedicated to assisting you in bringing your body into balance. Since we are three-part beings - body, soul, and spirit - we work on bringing balance to all three areas. We use professional-grade supplements, herbals, and homeopathics as well as high-tech programs and natural therapies to bring the body into balance for each layer of restoration.
We believe achieving optimal health is a process, not an event. We teach people why we experience dis-ease, where is the stress, what is causing the stress, and how to clear the stress by going back to the body's blueprint. We look for the right amount and the right amount of time to bring the body through each layer and phase of healing. It typically takes 6 weeks to get the body out of stress, 6-months to get the body stable and 1-3 years to get the body to optimum health. 5-years if it has been chronic.